Accidental Death
& Dismemberment Insurance

$100,000 of coverage is just $4 a month; your approval is guaranteed.

A photograph of a young man with a prosthetic leg

Nobody anticipates an accident. That’s why accidental deaths and serious injuries are among the most disruptive events in people’s lives. 

Besides the sudden loss of life or serious injury, families also deal with the financial consequences of serious accidents to their loved ones.

As an AFA member, you’re eligible for a special group rate on Group Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance (AD&D) from New York Life Insurance Company.

This insurance provides a financial benefit in the event an insured person dies or suffers full or partial loss of a limb or loss of vision, speech or hearing from a qualifying accident.

AD&D coverage can supplement existing life insurance and can also help meet financial needs if you, your spouse, or your children are seriously injured in an accident.

Coverage amounts

Choose between a Member-Only Plan or Family Coverage, which covers all eligible dependents. The amount of coverage you receive is called the Principal Sum.

  • Member-Only Coverage:  Available coverage amounts range from $50,000 to $500,000 in increments of $50,000.
  • Family Coverage: Eligible spouse will have coverage equal to 50% of the member’s coverage amount. Each dependent child will receive coverage equal to 10% of the member’s coverage amount.

Current Monthly Cost for Member Only Coverage

Coverage Amount
Monthly Cost
(Ages 18-69)
Monthly Cost
(70 & Older)































  n/a = not available


Current Monthly Cost for Family Coverage

Coverage AmountMonthly Cost
(Ages 18-69)
Monthly Cost
(70 & Older)
MemberSpouseEach Child



















































  n/a = not available

Conversion at age 70

When you reach age 70, coverage converts to Common Carrier Travel Accident Insurance. This protects you against accidents that occur while riding public transportation, such as an airplane, bus, train or taxi. The total coverage amount you have in force under this Policy may not exceed $100,000.


AFA members under age 70 can apply for coverage for themselves, as well as:

  • Lawful spouse under age 70
  • Unmarried dependent children under age 19 (under 26 if a full-time student)

Benefits are paid based on the extent of an insured’s injuries resulting from a covered accident. The benefits specified in this section will be paid if the resulting loss(es) occur within 365 days of the accident that caused the injuries.

Full Principal Sum paid.

You will receive the full Principal Sum of your coverage if an accident results in the loss of one or more of the following:

  • Life of the insured
  • Two limbs
  • Movement of both upper and lower limbs (quadriplegia)
  • Sight in both eyes
  • Both speech and hearing
  • One limb and sight in one eye


75% of Principal Sum paid. You will receive 75% of your Principal Sum for the loss of:

  • Movement of both lower limbs (paraplegia)


50% of Principal Sum paid.

You will receive half your Principal Sum for loss of:

  • One limb
  • Movement of both upper and lower limbs on one side of the body (hemiplegia)
  • Sight in one eye
  • Speech
  • Hearing


25% of Principal Sum paid.

You will receive one-quarter of your Principal Sum for the loss of the thumb and index finger of either hand.


Benefit payment for multiple injuries:

You can receive benefits payments for multiple injuries. For example, if a single accident caused the loss of your thumb and sight in one eye, you would receive 75% of the Principal Sum (50% for the loss of sight in one eye and 25% for the loss of your thumb).

However, the total benefit payable for all losses due to a single accident will not be more than the Principal Sum. Only one of the sums, the largest, will be paid for all injuries to the same limb resulting from one accident.


How “loss” is defined:

  • Limbs: Severance through or above the wrist or ankle joints
  • Thumb and index finger: Severance through or above the metacarpophalangeal joints
  • Sight, speech, and hearing: Complete and irrevocable loss of those capabilities
  • Movement: Complete and irreversible paralysis of the limbs



If an insured is riding in a conveyance that either disappears or sinks as a result of an accident and the insured's body is not found within one year after that accident, the insured will be presumed dead as a result of accidental injury. The full Principal Sum will be payable.


Military Air Travel Benefit:

If a covered person is recalled to service or is serving in the reserves, coverage will double, up to $150,000, while the covered person is a passenger on any transport type aircraft operated by the U.S. Military Airlift Command.

The following benefits are automatically included in your AFA Group AD&D policy. They pay out a benefit above your Principal Sum for certain situations in which there is also a covered loss. Please refer to the Certificate of Insurance for limitations and conditions on these benefits.

Common Carrier Benefit

  • What it covers: Covered loss resulting from an accident while insured is a passenger on a train, bus or other licensed common carrier.
  • What is pays: Additional $25,000 benefit above Principal Sum.

Repatriation Benefit

  • What it covers: Accidental death that occurs outside the insured’s state of residence. The additional benefit is intended to cover expense of preparing and transporting body to site of burial or cremation.
  • What is pays: 25% of the Principal Sum
  • Benefit maximum: $25,000

Rehabilitation Benefit

  • What it covers: Helps pay the cost for rehabilitation training for an insured person injured in a covered accident. The expense must be incurred within two years of the accident. 
  • What is pays: 10% of the Principal Sum
  • Benefit maximum: $10,000

Seat Belt Benefit

  • What it covers: Pays an additional benefit if an insured person dies in an automobile accident while properly wearing a seat belt. Death must occur within 365 days and be directly caused by the accident to receive the extra benefit.
  • What it pays: 50% of the Principal Sum
  • Benefit maximum: $50,000

Education Benefit

  • What it covers: The policy will pay an additional education benefit to a member’s dependents covered by the policy upon the member’s death in a covered accident. 
  • What it pays: 2% of the member’s Principal Sum, payable annually up to four years for each insured dependent enrolled as a full-time student. If no insured spouse or child qualifies for this benefit, a lump-sum benefit equal to 2% of the member’s Principal Sum will be payable.
  • Benefit maximum: The cost of tuition for one school year up to $2,500

Spouse Critical Period

  • What it covers: Pays additional benefit to the surviving spouse if either the insured member or insured spouse dies from a covered accident.
  • What it pays: 1% of the member’s Principal Sum each month
  • Benefit maximum: Six months or until the survivor’s death, whichever occurs first

Adaptive Home/Auto Benefit

  • What it covers: An additional benefit if a covered loss results in a physical disability that requires modification of the insured’s home and/or car.
  • What it pays: The benefit amount is 5% of the Principal Sum
  • Benefit maximum: $5,000

Burn Disfigurement

  • What it covers: A covered loss that causes an insured to suffer a disfigurement due to burns, covering at least 5% of the body. 
  • What it pays: 10% of the Principal Sum
  • Benefit maximum: $30,000

Day Care Benefit

  • What it covers: An additional benefit is paid if an insured member dies from a covered accident with children under the age of 13 who are enrolled in a day care program. The benefit is paid annually for each qualifying child. If the insured member has no eligible children at the time of the covered loss, a $500 benefit will be paid. 
  • What it pays: 5% of the member’s Principal Sum annually
  • Benefit maximum: $2,500 or the actual cost of annual day care, with a maximum of four annual payments for each qualifying child.

Elder Care

  • What it covers: The policy pays an extra benefit if the insured dies in a covered accident and has an elderly relative (other than spouse) dependent on them for support. 
  • What it pays: 5% of the Principal Sum
  • Benefit maximum: $5,000

Common Disaster

  • What it covers: It provides an extra benefit if both the insured member and spouse die within one year of same or separate accidents that occurred within the same 24-hour period.
  • What it pays: In addition to the benefit payable for loss of life for each, the insured spouse benefit amount for loss of life will be increased to 100% of the member's Principal Sum if the member and spouse are survived by one or more eligible children and the combined member and spouse Principal Sums do not exceed $500,000.

When Coverage Begins

Insurance is effective on the first of the month after your application is approved by New York Life Insurance Company, provided:

  • Your first premium is paid within 31 days of being billed
  • You and your approved dependents are actively performing the normal activities of a person in good health of like age on that date

When Coverage Ends

Insurance will terminate based on any of the following conditions:

  • Premiums are not paid when due
  • The Group Policy is terminated or modified by the policyholder or New York Life Insurance Company to end insurance for AFA members
  • If the Principal Sum has been paid for any of the insured people covered by the policy
  • For dependent spouse and/or child coverage, if member coverage ends, except that such dependent coverage may be continued if the member's Principal Sum has been paid
  • For a dependent spouse, when he/she is no longer a lawful married spouse
  • For a dependent child, upon reaching age 19 (26 if a full-time student)

An AFA member's surviving spouse and children may continue coverage if it was in force at the time of the member's death, as described in the Certificate of Insurance.

30-Day Free Look

When you receive your Certificate of Insurance, read it carefully. If you’re not completely satisfied with the terms of your insurance policy, return the Certificate, without claim, within 30 days and your premium will be refunded. The insurance will then be invalidated.


You may select any person, persons, trust or other legal entity as your beneficiary. If, at the time of your death, there are no surviving beneficiaries, benefits will be paid to the executor or administrator of your estate, or at the option of New York Life, to the surviving relatives in the following order of survival: spouse; children equally; parents equally; or brothers and sisters equally. The member is the beneficiary for spouse's and children's coverage.

If you wish to designate a different beneficiary, please contact the AFA Insurance Program administrator toll-free at 1-800-291-8480 to request a Beneficiary Form or download one at

Certificate of Insurance

This website contains only a brief description of the policy’s provisions and features. When you become insured you will receive a Certificate of Insurance summarizing your coverage. The complete terms and conditions are set forth in the group policy issued by New York Life Insurance Company to the Air Force & Space Forces Association.

No benefit will be payable for any loss that occurs during or is due or related to or resulting from: participation in, or incarceration resulting from, in a role other than as victim:

  • commission of a felony, or illegal occupation/activity
  • voluntary intake of drugs, narcotics or intoxicants, unless taken as prescribed by a physician
  • illegal use of drugs or intoxicants, or legal intoxication; any declared or undeclared war or act thereof
  • operating, riding in or descending from any aircraft except when riding as a passenger, Except, as previously stated, a limited benefit is payable for covered losses by insured persons recalled to service or serving in the reserves, while traveling as a passenger on any transport type aircraft operated by the U.S. Military Airlift Command
  • physical or mental sickness or medical/surgical treatment thereof
  • suicide or intentionally self-inflicted injury while sane or insane


In addition, when you reach age 70, coverage converts to Common Carrier Travel Accident Insurance, and if your total coverage amount exceeds $100,000 it is reduced to $100,000. This applies to all the coverage you have under Policy G-29319-0.

To download an enrollment form, click the Apply Now button on this screen.

Payment Options

Once your insurance coverage has been approved, there are three methods of payment from which you may choose:

  • Monthly automated bank withdrawal. Payment options for monthly automated withdrawal from a checking or savings account.
  • Credit or debit card. You can choose monthly, quarterly, semiannual, or annual payment when you pay by credit card or debit card.
  • Direct bill. You can choose to receive a monthly, quarterly, semiannual, or annual premium notice in the mail.

This website explains the general purpose of the insurance described, but in no way changes or affects the policy as actually issued. In the event of a discrepancy between the website and the policy (Master Policy G-30294-0), the terms of the policy apply.

New York Life Insurance Company (NAIC 66915) is licensed to transact business in all 50 United States and the District of Columbia and is domiciled in the state of New York at 51 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

All benefits are subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. Policies underwritten by New York Life Insurance Company detail exclusions, limitations, and terms under which the policies may be continued in full or discontinued.

Complete details are in the certificate of insurance issued to each insured individual and the Master Policy issued to the policyholder.

This program may vary and may not be available to residents of all states.




Currently not available in AK, AR, DE, FL, LA, ME, MD, MO, MT, NH, NM, NY, NC, OH, OR, SD, TX, UT, VT and WA




Underwritten by:

New York Life Insurance Company
51 Madison Avenue
New York NY 10010
Policy Form



Administered by:

Forrest T. Jones & Company*
P.O. Box 418131
Kansas City, MO 64141-8131